Wednesday, May 9, 2018

All the Doctor Who Series 11 Directors are Discovered

Thanks to @Ruther2 on Twitter, all the names of the directors of Doctor Who Series 11 can be named. They are Jamie Childs, Mark Tonderai, Sallie Aprahamian and Jennifer Perrott.

The director of the first filming block, Jamie Childs is the only director who was officially announced. Childs' involvement was first discovered by @Ruther2.

Childs was then officially announced in Doctor Who Magazine. Childs also directed Jodie Whittaker's reveal which premiered on July 16. Childs directed Episodes 1 and 7.
From Doctor Who Magazine 519 Gallifrey Guardian:
"Jamie Childs is the first director to be working on the 2018 series."

Then gradually, the other directors were discovered.  Mark Tonderai directed Block 2, Episodes, 2 and 3, which was filmed in part in South Africa."

Sallie Aprahamian directed Block 3, Episodes 4 and 6.

Jennifer Perrott is currently directing Block 4, most likely Episodes 5 and 8.

Which would leave what is likely the the finale block to Jamie Childs, who will return to direct the final block, Block 5, likely Episodes 9 and 10.


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  3. It doesn't actually say anything about Mark Tonderai doing Doctor Who

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm not sure what you mean. Tonderai is mentioned in my blog and I've embedded Ruther's tweet about it.
